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Creepy short horror game. Great work!

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95/100 GREAT

Looks a promising game.

My gameplay is based on the first demo so it doesn't have my updated thoughts. Mainly the feedback I had was having more tension and atmosphere so that the player will be on edge when things happen. After playing the updated demo, I can say it was better for having some tension at the end when expecting to see the killer at any moment so that was a good improvement. Besides that, I am looking forward to seeing what you got in store for the next chapters and keep up the promising work especially for a first game!

really enjoyed this game, it was really short but considering you have multiple chapters thats all good, keep up the good work, really got me at the end, anyone interested in my gameplay here it is 

its just a black screen how do i fix this

I'm sorry to hear that, I'm not too sure whats going on there, does this occur when you load up the game or during playing it?

I was not ready for this game; I love the style of it and can't wait for more

Great job and keep it up 

I feel like i was just getting into it and then it ended.  It did manage to be sufficiently creepy in a short amount of time. Check out the video (third game).

Hello! I recently completed a review of your game for my Youtube series “The First 15”! I’ve placed a link to the video down below, please check it out and keep expanding this idea...

(3 edits)

Hey! Thanks for playing! We really appreciate all the criticism and honesty, I'm glad we found this video before we finished the demo patch, which is going to likely end up being a whole rework, which we're working on right now. the notes you've given have really helped us with improving some of the key elements of the game! especially with your views on the ending and the sudden loud noise, as someone with diagnosed autism that definitely made sense to me and is something I WANT TO CHANGE SPECIFICALLY. One of the main things we want to focus on is story and your criticism has made us rethink how we tell the start of our story, we are going to work a lot over these next few days on pacing, the gameplay, etc. 

One thing which I think is a very good criticism, which we're discussing heavily as I write this, is the common trope you were talking about at the start. We've realised this demo has been released too early as the section you've played through is supposed to be tone setting, story building, etc. the 'jumpscare' at the end is specifically there to set up chapter 2 which, again we've been discussing, really should've been a part of chapter 1 / the demo.

There is a lot more we took away from your video and we're going to implement over the next few days, so thank you! I hope we can improve this game using your feedback and I hope you like the changes we implement! 

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scary story

Nice! I hope the other chapters come quick.

love your game :):):):)

Thank you!! ❤️